As all organs and systems of the body are interconnected, we can not treat one part without influencing and changing the whole. The musculoskeletal system has interconnections into all the other systems of the body. His holistic approach attempts to break down the barriers traditionally associated with doctor/patent relationship. Manual physiotherapists are taught, and most maintain, that they are ‘different’ In that they reat the patients, not just their disease; they consider the ‘whole’  person, their habits, diets, families, beliefs. Simply In holistic manner, with stress on the patent and not simply on the illness. We give You 100% attention.


Here is a brie list of the conditions we can help:



Neck/shoulder pain

Thoracic pain

Chest pain

Disc problems ( bulge, heraniation)


Sciatic pain

Wear and tear

RSI – repetitive strain injuries


As an experienced therapist I have the ability and skills available to treat a wide variety of problems including:

Groin injury

Achilles tendinopathy

Quadriceps & hamstring strain

Anterior cruciate strain

Plantar fasiitis ( heel spur )

Shoulder instability & dislocation

Tennis elbow

As your training and laying hours pile up, so too will the aches and pinas. Left untreated, they cab lead to serious injury.adding sports massage to your workout routine accelerates the healing processes and can improve your performance too. It improves the the range of motion  and strenthens injured muscles..before your spotring activity, you will ned your muscles resilient and ready to go.

In addition  to your warm-up, a quick massage treatment does the trick. Afterwards, sports massage speeds the removal of fatigue toxins. in the event that you sufler an injury, remedia massage reduces scar tissue and speeds your complete recovery.


Match Day Physiotherapy Cover

This service is designed into three areas, Pre-match, Match and post-match. All physiotherapists arrive 1 hour prior to commencement of game/event. Game/Event usually last for 90 mins, this is then followed by a 30 mins assessment and treatment of injuries from the event. All 1st Aid equipment and strapping will be provided by Physio4Sport. 

Pre Match

Fitness testing before event

Strapping – Helps provides extra support during event

Massage – Helps to stimulate muscle activity prior to event

During Match

Pitch Side 1st Aid (All staff hold Nationally regocnised1st Aid Certificates)

Assessment and treatment of Pitch-side injuries

Accident & Emergency Referral if required

Post Match

Personalised injury and rehabilitation advice

Post event massage

PRICE Regime (P = Protect, R = Rice, I = ice, C = Compression, E = Elevation)

Physiotherapy for Sporting Events

Events of all sizes and durations can be catered for. This package is tailored around your specific needs, you tell us what you want and we will design a package suited to those needs. We cater for events such at schools sports festivals, University weekend tournaments, team training camps and many more. Our services at such event are an extended version of “Match Day Physiotherapy Cover”.


Her is a brief list of the conditions we can help:

Post trauma and fractures

Ligemant & tendon reconstructions

Pre & post joint replacement/resurfacing surgeries

Rheumatoid arthritis


Acupuncture can effectively treat conditions that do not respond well to western medicine.

Acupuncture treatment involves treating the whole person and not just the presenting symptoms. Symptoms and signs are used by the skilled acupuncturist to diagnose and treat the cause of the condition.

Acupuncture was in use in China before the pyramids were built. The foundation of its wisdom was built on the basis of simple natural laws that govern our health and natural well being.

The theory of acupuncture treatment lies in the balancing of individuals life force energy or Qi ( chee) which flows through a network of channels called meridians that cover the body.

The skilled acupuncture practitioner can determine through subtle pulse measurement, tongue diagnosis and an examination of the patient, where the imbalances lie. By inserting very fine, tiny needles into special points on the meridians the acupuncturist can alter the energy flow, which in turn helps harmonise the body.

Słowa kluczowe

fizjoterapia, fizjoterapeuta, terapia manualna, medycyna manualna, rehabilitacja, rehabilitant, polecany rehabilitant, fizjoterapia sportowa, rehabilitacja sportowa, terapia sportowa, dobry fizjoterapeuta, kinezyterapia, fizykoterapia, Trójmiasto, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Osowa, Sobieszewo, Sopot,

fizjomanual.com, fizjosport.com,

wizyty domowe, nastawianie, kręgosłupa, kręgarz, kręgarstwo

ból pleców, rwa kulszowa, rwa barkowa, ból karku, szyi, wypadnięty dysk, dyskopatia, zwyrodnienie, ból biodra, ból kolana, ból glowy, migreny, łokieć tenisisty, przeciążenie, choroba dyskowa, reumatyzm, skolioza, zapalenie, urazy sportowe, głębokie stabilizatory, pilates, skuteczna terapia, ceny, cennik, przykurcz, ostroga piętowa, nastawianie kręgosłupa, kręgarstwo, manipulacje, gimnastyka korekcyjna, korekcja wady, ćwiczenia, trening osobisty, wibracyjny, szkoła pleców

nadwyrężenie, skręcenie, zwichnięcie,   mięśni, stawu, przywodzicieli, zginaczy kolana

masaż, sportowy, odnowa biologiczna, klasyczny, leczniczy, skuteczny, limfatyczny, relaksacyjny, PNF, tapy, taping, Rakowski, model holistyczny, acl, mckenzie



“I have been Mr. Kowalski’s G P since 2001. in 2002 I suffered from back pain and came to the physiotherapy and recreation centre in Gdansk Sobieszewo where Mr. Kowalski was working. Applying the proper therapy helped me to get rid of those problems completely. From now on I have recommended Mr. Kowalski to my patients and his treatment has very good results.

He is a professional with a vast knowledge and skills, what is more Mr. Kowalski is a sensitive and empathic person who treats his patients individually and holistically. “

Dr Elżbieta C. General Practitioner


“I can give my word recommending Jarek, because I could always rely on his support and great advice during my career as a professional ballet soloist.

He helped me preparing myself to a hard dancing season and rehearsals and the most important He successfully treated my injuries.”

Michał K. soloist of Birmingham Royal Ballet


„ Hi , My name is Jozsef Jakab I am a footballer in England I play for Stratford Town FC where I had met Mr. Jaroslaw Kowalski who used to be a physiotherapist for the team and I can state that he had treated me with excellent knowledge when I used to have problems and injuries, he also gave me some important practical advice about how to avoid  getting injured and how to keep myself fit throughout the season. I highly recommend Mr. Kowalski to anyone. He has got outstanding skills as a physiotherapist, as he proved it to me several times.”

Your sincerely,
Jozsef  Jakab
Stratford Town player.


I am a 58 year old schoolteacher in Birmingham , England .  Whilst at work I twisted my knee and after a few weeks of pain consulted a GP who told me that I had probably flaired up some arthritis and referred me to a NHS physiotherapist.  I had ten twenty minute sessions with the NHS physiotherapist who gave me some stretching exercises and did not give me a very thorough examination and only once manipulated my knee.  I was dissatisfied with the treatment and decided on the recommendation of a colleague to see Jarek privately.  I found him to be an excellent physiotherapist. He gave me a very thorough examination which included seeing the effect of various exercises on the pain I was experiencing in my knee.  He gave me a much more detailed diagnosis; a much wider range of exercises; massaged my knee; strapped my knee and showed me how to do it myself and had a more holistic approach which included back massage.  I found his treatment was much more beneficial than the NHS physiotherapist.  I had much more confidence in his skills.  It was clear that Jarek was a more experienced, skilled and knowledgeable physiotherapist.  I would recommend him to anyone needing physiotherapy.”

Anne Tucker teacher